History in the making.
The Virginia Alliance of Black School Educators is devoted to furthering academic success for the nation's children, particularly those of African descent.
VAABSE Info Contact

Supporting a quality, relevant, and abundant education for our children.
The Virginia Alliance of Black School Educators (VAABSE) is an affiliate of the National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE). VAABSE became an official affiliate of NABSE in December of 2022.
Founded in 1970, NABSE, is the nation’s premiere non-profit organization devoted to furthering the academic success for the nation’s children – particularly children of African descent.
One of VAASBE’s key objectives is to raise awareness and provide a voice for children, educators, and families of African decent across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
VAABSE Executive Board

Dr. George Parker III
Retired Virginia Superintendent

Dr. John B. Gordon III
Division Superintendent of Suffolk (VA) Public Schools

Dr. Taneshia Rachal
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Northampton County Public Schools

Dr. Shonda Harris-Muhammed
Director of Testing and Pupil Personnel, Southampton County Public Schools

Dr. Elie Bracy III
Division Superintendent of Portsmouth City Public Schools

Dr. Kelvin Edwards
Division Superintendent of Greensville County Public Schools

Michael Powell
Principal of Laburnum Elementary in Henrico County Public Schools
VAABSE Membership
Join VAABSEOur professional network of educators, leaders and education partners ensures that maximum resources and effort is made on closing achievement gaps, teacher recruitment, educator retention and improving opportunities for students.
For all prospective members, joining VAABSE will allow you to have a voice in shaping educational policy, professional learning that focuses on cultural competency, and instructional innovation that addresses the achievement gaps of students of color. All prospective members will choose to support one of the following focus committees: Membership, Conference Planning, Governance in Education, Instructional Innovation, Professional Learning, Social Branding & Marketing, Hospitality, and Research & Development.

VAABSE Conference
The VAABSE Conference will allow all members to participate in professional learning and to grow their professional network in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Hilton Richmond Hotel and Spa/Short Pump
January 17-19, 2025

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Sponsors and Partnerships
The Virginia Alliance of Black School Educators (VAABSE) would like to thank you and your company for consideration in becoming a sponsor/business partner. VAABSE became an affiliate of the National Alliance of Black School Educators in December of 2021. One of the primary goals of VAABSE is to create an annual conference for educators to participate in relevant professional learning, strengthen their professional network, and to promote educational excellence and leadership.
Sponsorships are tiered into multiple levels based on the desired partnership of the business. Sponsorship Levels are as follows:

Silver Level
Includes business logo on advertisements, brochures, programs, and public service announcements throughout the conference
$ 15,000

Gold Level
Includes business logo on advertisements, brochures, programs, public service announcements, and free vendor booth rental
$ 25,000

Signature Level
Includes business logo on all advertisements for VAABSE events, brochures, programs, public service announcements, and free vendor booth rental. Multi-year commitment.
$ 50,000 min.